EAG 2024 Review: There was a buzz in the air at EAG,” say Electrocoin, as visitors danced the days away with the new DDRA20 Plus offering all the right moves

  • 2nd February 2024
  • News

EAG 2024 Review

Variety is the spice of life and there was nowhere more spicey than the Electrocoin stand at EAG this year. Dancing machines, pinball, redemption and a legendary classic in a new format – it was another strong turn-out for the leading distributor. That new-look classic was the Bar X Tablet All in One with its roulette game piquing the interest of arcadians.

And then there was Konami’s DDRA20 Plus – a constant a scene stealer throughout the show. Sales & Marketing Manager John A Stergides talks us some of the highlights at the ExCeL.

Coinslot: How did the show go for you this year? Did it meet your expectations?

John A Stergides: We think there was a great turnout on the first two days which was very positive.

The weather was on our side and we think the later start in the year compared to previous years made a difference.

We had a good show overall as our products were well received, this included new launches and also improvements to existing lines.

Coinslot: Were there any key developments finalised at EAG – new agreements signed, new appointments or installations agreed?

John A Stergides: It was a great show for continuing collaborations with existing partners, but also new operators as the leisure market continues to grow.

With the industry at the centre of the UK’s high street revival with city centre FECs driving extra footfall, and a crucial component to the regeneration of our seaside towns, it’s no surprise we’re seeing new businesses coming to EAG.

Coinslot: What were the stand highlights – which products caught the attention and what was reaction to your portfolio of products?

John A Stergides: As you’d expect, there were many highlights on our stand which grabbed a lot of attention.

One of the most energetic features was definitely the latest dance machine from Konami, the DDRA20 Plus. That was very popular and was continuously being played during the show. There is a very limited production at the moment and popularity is high. Dance machines are synonymous with Konami and they are renowned for having fantastic music licenses which adds to its appeal.

Talking of classics, the Stern Pinballs, as ever, were very popular and had queues everyday as we had the latest line up from James Bond, Venom and the European launch of Jaws!

Elsewhere, the Rocket Launch and Magic 7 Key remain very popular with operators as they have proven to be successful products. The same goes for Skill Shooter and Mr Do Air Balls. We were also encouraged by the response to our newly launched Spinning Cyclone and a couple other debutees.

For AGC products, the new Hot Slots from Ace Gaming was proving to be popular, with operators excited at the new games on offer and the options to have upgrade kits using existing cabinets on the market.

Finally, the classic of all classics was catching attention. The Bar X Tablet All in One showed the new Roulette game which was positively received by AGC operators.

Coinslot: It’s going to be a defining year for the business with new legislation, a new government (?) and more regulation on the horizon. How did you gauge the general mood of the industry?

John A Stergides: As I mentioned there was a buzz in the air at EAG over the three days, however, until anything new is implemented, it’s still anyone’s guess what will happen.

We’ve been here before and then suddenly a new government could change everything, so it’s just a waiting game.

Coinslot: Now the show is over, what’s on your agenda going into spring in terms of new products, new projects and more exhibitions?

John A Stergides: We are constantly looking at developing new products as we always have a few new games currently on site tests.

We will be exhibiting at the upcoming ICE 2024 and thereafter it will be over to Ireland for the Irish Gaming Show.

It’s always a busy time of year for us with shows but it’s very exciting as we hit the road again in the build up to the season.

Electrocoin’s EAG 2024 Review was published in the below issue of Coinslot

Coinslot – January 26th – February 1st 2024 – Issue 2873 – Page 32-33