Machines inventor and games creator Neil Coates dies

  • 30th May 2018
  • News

“Neil was famous for developing enjoyable low stake and low prize games. He always said that the players must have fun and a smile when they play our games, and he was right.”

That’s how John Stergides remembers his close friend Neil Coates, who died on Saturday, aged 72.

Over forty years in the industry, Neil Coates’ CV took in key manufacturing houses starting back in 1985 at the Peter Simper Organisation, and then four years later in his own company PCP – taken from the names of its founders Powell, Coates and Powell.

His real break came in 1989 when PCP and Electrocoin joined forces to form the Famous Games brand. “Neil was developing and creating new games for many markets,” reflected Stergides.

And it was this skill-set that helped pioneer a wave of innovative products around the world.

Stergides explained: “Together, we, along with Spyros Sparcis and then later with Andy Dinning and other members of the team travelled as far as Brazil, Kazakhstan, many eastern European states as well Spain, Italy, Greece, Norway and African countries to create new games and new markets for the AWP product, designing games for each individual country to comply with the local rules and regulations. Neil had an understanding and feel for the needs and potential of each country that was second to none.”

At the height of his creative energy, Neil Coates responded with the same speed and customer understanding following the Gambling Act in 2005, until struck by a medical condition shortly afterwards.

“Sadly, a great creator and inventor had to withdraw to a special nursing home where he stayed until the day that he passed away.”

Neil Coates leaves his wife Marion, two sons and several grandchildren. Funeral arrangements have yet to be confirmed but Stergides was among those keen to express their sentiments. And it’s a fond farewell: “The industry has lost a legend, but Neil’s smiling face will be a lasting memory to his friends and all who knew him. God bless him to heaven.”

Coinslot May 25th – May 31th 2018, 2578 Page 10