A welcome to Park Avenue

  • 28th June 2019
  • News

With all corners of the industry coming together for the Park Avenue Open Day, Electrocoin’s John A Stergides gives a first person perspective on people, products, and charitable causes behind the iconic event.

With all corners of the industry coming together for the Park Avenue Open Day, Electrocoin’s John A Stergides gives a first person perspective on people, products, and charitable causes behind the iconic event.

“As always it is our pleasure to welcome everyone to the Park Avenue Open Day. Between the Electrocoin and UDC warehouses there are more than 30 companies participating today, including some new additions, so there is plenty to see in terms of products and the day is also a great chance for everyone to catch breath and catch up before summer.

“With this many companies the naturally comes a wide range of products! We have AWPs, Redemption units, the latest in Video from the likes of Sega and Namco, Pushers from the likes of Harry Levy and Bulldog Games and everything in between including Electrocoins’ hugely popular Skill Cut. Whilst there are obviously size constraints due to the site the amount on show is as impressive as it is diverse.

“Alongside Electrocoin UDC has opened its doors as well, so to get the full Open Day experience and see the real range of products and people here a trip to both sites is essential.

“Here at Electrocoin we have a number of new products in our warehouse for all to see. These include a number of units coming from our exclusive partnership with Stern Pinball, many of which will be making their debut in the Western European market. These include an official Batman and Catwoman Signature Edition table and a Munsters Premium Colour release. We also have three new games on our Casino Hi Roller/Monte Carlo package that we are excited for you all to see.

“We look forward to the Open Day every year and are always please to keep the tradition alive. It has been an industry institution for more than 30 years and to see everyone continue to support it is always a humbling experience. It is the last real chance for everyone to get together at the start of summer and we feel that a friendly, slightly less formal event is the best possible way to do this.

“It is also a great fundraising opportunity. Last year we raised well over £5,000 for the Bacta Charitable Trust and we are once more proudly taking donations towards this great cause again. This fundraising remains one of the main reasons for holding the event and each year we are impressed by the generosity of all the sponsors and attendees, it is always great to be
reminded of the charitable nature of the industry. We have prizes donated from the likes of G-Squared, Astra, E-Service, Hazel Electronics, Sega and many more, it is one of the real positives of the day, it’s great to see.

“As well as this, those who have attended before will be pleased to know that we will have our famous Greek barbecue out in full force again. There will also be plenty of refreshments available, no to mention the ice cream truck, sponsored by Quixant, which is always such a huge hit.

“We would like to thank all the companies exhibiting, all the sponsors, and everyone that has made their way here. It is great to see the industry in one place coming together to meet, have some fun and raise money for the Bacta Charitable Trust, which is such a great cause. I hope everyone enjoys the day!

Coinslot – June 7th – June 13th – Issue 2632 – Page 28