Electrocoin prepares new products for open day as Storm Gaming join the party

  • 23rd May 2023
  • News

Electrocoin prepares new products for open day as Storm Gaming join the party

Busy times at Electrocoin heading into the summer, not least with preparations intensifying for the iconic annual industry gathering at Park Avenue Open Day in less than three weeks. But, there’s also distribution work to be done and that stepped up another gear with more shipments arriving at their north London HQ with a host of new machines of all categories ready to sell

Electrocoin will showcase Rocket Launch and Magic 7 Key, as well the latest in the Cat C/B4 range from Ace Gaming’s VIP Casino, at this year’s Park Avenue Open Day.

Products from Storm Gaming will also be on show, with the manufacturer the latest to confirm that it will exhibit at the one day event. In fact, this year’s open day is shaping up to be one of the strongest in recent years, with several suppliers – in fact, dozens – now having announced their support as exhibitors.

“From recent exhibitions and general discussions with operators and suppliers, there is a positive optimism within the industry and we hope this will be reflected at the PAOD, which so far seems to be,” said Electrocoin’s John A Stergides.

The open day host has had a busy month so far at its West London headquarters, with plenty of product rolling in through the doors.

“We have had more Skill Shooters, Mr Do Air Balls, Mr Do Space Rocks and our latest products Rocket Launch and Magic 7 Key arrive and pretty much gone straight out to operators,” continued Stergides. “We will be showing a couple of new products at the open day, including the latest in the Cat C/B4 range from Ace Gaming’s VIP Casino.”

The article was published in the following edition of Coinslot:

Coinslot – May 19th – May 25th  2023 – Issue 2837 – Page 34