Colour Match – Ski...

Colour Match by Electrocoin – Skill, Prize Vend & Ticket Redemption

Colour Match is a fast paced, 100% skill game, fun for all the family.

It’s an easy to play game that will test your speed and coordination skills, with full concentration required to beat the top score.

When the game begins, Red, Green and Blue balls will drop onto the playfield.

By rotating the wheel accordingly, the baskets will spin round – catch the dropping coloured balls into the corresponding coloured basket to win points.

The more accurate you are, the more points you can win, including the Super Bonus.


Scroll down the page for the video trailer, dimensions, brochure and further information.


Colour Match by Electrocoin

Colour Match information sheet is available for downloading/printing by clicking on one of the below

Information Sheet

Colour Match Colour Match

With colourful lighting and exciting sounds that are in line with the game speed, Colour Match, is a sure winner for all locations.

It is available with a ticket redemption facility, and a Capsule and card out feature which is perfect for non-ticket locations, bars, bowling centres, or any location which has space for the game

It is presented in a classic attractive cabinet design with external LED Lighting, and an external wheel that can twist and turn in either direction.

Operator switchable between Ticket Redemption, Card Vend & Capsule Prize Vend.

It’s ideal for any Family Entertainment Centres, Bowling Centres, Children Play Centre, Single Sites and any location with space for a 100% skill game.

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Additional information

Weight 125 kg

Height: 206cm (244cm w/ Marquee)
Width: 70cm (78cm w/ Marquee)
Depth: 108cm