MAGIC 10 SITDOWN CABINET AWP Slots CAT C 25p/30p play – £25 Jackpot

New Magic 10, an old time classic with cutting edge technology.

With its original game play, £25 Jackpot and available in a Sitdown cabinet

Fully Compliant

25p or 30p play

Reliable Scorpion 6 Technology

Includes NV9 Note Acceptor

TITO Compatible


MAGIC 10 SITDOWN CABINET by Electrocoin AWP Slots CAT C 25p/30p play – £25 Jackpot

Information Sheet

BAR-X 7EVEN AWP Slots CAT C 25p/30p play - £25 Jackpot BAR-X 7EVEN AWP Slots CAT C 25p/30p play - £25 Jackpot

Hailing from the hugely respected Electrocoin stable, MAGIC 10 delivers all the timeless appeal of the original MAGIC 10 phenomenon, but this time round in an ultra-reliable package that makes the most of modern technology.

From a player perspective, MAGIC 10 looks, feels and plays exactly like their favourite original, right down to the beautiful chrome cabinet and instantly familiar branding. Where Electrocoin has struck a major difference is in the build, which now utilises tried and trusted Scorpion 6 technology complete with NV9 note acceptor as standard and TITO compatibility.

MAGIC 10 is available with a £25 jackpot on 25p/30p play options and is fully compliant with current technical standards.

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