Review 2021- Electrocoin focus on turning the ‘’buzz’’ into business

  • 29th December 2021
  • News

Review 2021 – Electrocoin focus on turning the ‘’buzz’’ into business

Getting back to meeting people has been a key highlight for John A. Stergides as Electrocoin finally got the chance to put its new portfolio out on display. “The recent exhibitions had an extra buzz to them,” he feels, and he wants to see that rebuild a stronger industry going forward.

Obviously Omicron provides an obstacle, but Electrocoin remain excited with their new products for the family entertainment market as they look to ‘expand the world of play’.

Coinslot: A year that opened in lockdown, staggered through to reopening, via a supply chain crisis and ending with Omicron: how will you look back on 2021?

John A. Stergides: It was an eventful year, but at least it was better than 2020! We were able to get back to some form of normality with hospitality and leisure reopening and exhibitions being allowed to go ahead.

Although some obstacles still remain, along with the new variant, 2021 can be looked back on positively and provides much optimism for 2022

Coinslot: We’ve had five months since re-opening, what were your highlights of the year?

John A. Stergides: The reopening was a big high light as our industry was one of the hardest hit when it came to restrictions, especially if you were in the supply chain as aside from furlough, no real help was provided by the government.

But it was great for operators to finally re open and it turned out to be a very good period for the majority.

This buoyant mood was felt at the recent exhibitions we participated in, which was also a major highlight as we met with people within the industry that we may not have seen for some time due to the lockdowns.

Coinslot: 2021 has been a major challenge to the way our businesses operate. How have you risen to this challenge and what new developments are you introducing to rebuild and strengthen your operation?

John A. Stergides: We had challenges like everyone else but we have also used the opportunity to enhance our product offering with a number of new product launches which were on display at the shows this year.

Games like Skill Shooter which have proven to be a big hit at the exhibitions, were effectively lockdown projects and 2021 has finally allowed us to share our excitement and end product with everyone.

We also launched the Castle Attack interactive basketball game and will be launching a number of new products at EAG in 2022. We are looking forward to showing are new offerings for the family entertainment market.

Coinslot: What are you looking or hoping for in 2022 and what’s on your New Year’s wish list?

John A. Stergides: Of course, we are hoping that everyone stays in good health but also the positivity and optimism that is being felt within the industry to continue as the recent exhibitions had an extra buzz to them when speaking with operators and suppliers.

We hope the gambling review is fair and reflective of the requirements for the industry and for players. Finally, we hope the leisure industry continues to grow and that we can continue going forward and put lockdowns etc behind us as we look to ‘expand the world of play’ with our new products.

Review 2021 was published in the below issue of Coinslot

Coinslot – December 17th – December 30th 2021 – Issue 2764/2765 – Page 18-19